Turtles Win Races


It’s been a while

I’ve been pretending to be a guy called Jack

In a film called Two Ugly People

Yes - I’m one of the ugly people

It was a massive few weeks

Filming in rural motels

Chinese karaoke bars

And country back streets at 4am.

If I put an imaginary whiteboard in front of me

And pretend the whole film experience is up there in front of me

A few key ideas pop up


I simply have no idea what acting is


Human connection is everything

& Three

Turtles win races

Here we go


I say the following not to gloat but to prove what an idiot I am

I started acting at fourteen

I got into NIDA at eighteen

I was leading onstage at the Sydney Opera House by twenty five

I have worked with multiple Oscar winners & nominees

I have been nominated alongside Australia’s best

I help other artists around the world to give their work in their respective fields

As well as leading the screen acting lecturing at Australia’s most prestigious acting institute

So believe me when I say…

I really


Feel like I should know what acting is by this point

But in all honesty

I don’t have a clue

I’m fucking stumped

Right now, I feel like I’m wrestling with a cloud


Maybe there’s a hint


Like I’m trying to fight with it

Control it

Maybe that’s the point

That it’s not something to be fought with


I can hear the great Eleonora Duse calmly saying

“There is no one way. Every actor must find their own way.”

Maybe I’m in a place where I need to unclench my fists

Let myself get lost in the grey mist of a craft which is never supposed to be leashed


I have just had the privilege of working with a wonderful actress

Yes - she is the other ugly person

This actress has zero background with training or acting technique

And I was blown away

There is simply nothing more wonderful than working with someone who doesn’t know what they should be doing

Who doesn’t know how to please generic acting teachers or books on “how to get the part!”

Because their energy is focussed on only what is most important

Human connection

I have just had the greatest privilege of working with someone who only focussed on the most real of things

After twenty years of experience

I cannot tell you how refreshing it was to know

That at any point

No matter how scared, stupid, or lost in the scene I felt

I could look up

And there was a human standing opposite me

With open eyes

Who was brave and generous enough to be willing to connect as a living, breathing human

That shit builds trust like no other

And it has absolutely given a nudge to the direction ill head in with the 2024 NIDA students

Courageous human connection

To be clear

There is not a casting director I know

Who would prefer an actor to get the scene right

Rather than connect honestly with the person standing opposite them.


A few nights into filming

We were doing a very long shot

A walk and talk

The night was getting on and as more lighting was being set up

I snuck aside to have a look at playback on the monitor

I saw two people

Walking along a beautifully lit corridor

Under the night sky

At a Mexican-themed rural motel in the Australian bush

The shot reminded me of something

And I immediately began to well up

You see

Eight years ago

I was sitting with the writer/director of Two Ugly People

In a dingy Newtown apartment

During a particularly cold and wet winter

I remember the obsessive conversations

The clarity and drive in his eyes

About what he wanted to contribute to the industry

The stories he wanted to give to the art of cinema

The on-screen relationships he wanted to build

The shots he wanted to paint with lighting and lenses

And all these years later

To watch someone I love realise a decade long dream

It clarifies for me one idea

How damn possible it is for people to build their dreams

When they do it slowly

To sail steadily toward a clear harbour on the other side of the world

Damn that’s dangerous

And bloody generous too

I think most actors vastly overestimate what they can accomplish in a year

But drastically underestimate what they can achieve in a decade


Steady turtles outlive frantic hares

Hope this helps



Desperate Times


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