Yearly Acting Review

At the end of each year

Instead of coming up with some new year acting resolutions

Which usually include a bunch of shoulds instead of wants

Examples include:

“I should get a main role in a great TV series or film”

“I should warm up my voice and body for one hour every day”

“I should go to class twice a week”

“I should practice a self tape every day”

And my personal favourite:

“I should read one play every week to be a good little actor”


If an actor doesn’t have goals to be working in the theatre

Why are they allocating time & energy trying to develop theatre skills by reading plays when they don’t actually enjoy reading plays?

An incredible old teacher of mine at drama school told me to

“Give a play ten pages

And if you don’t feel genuinely excited about turning to page eleven

Close it”

That’s some damn wonderful advice from a very smart old artist

We work too damn hard in this industry

And make too many damn sacrifices

We may as well create space to actually enjoy what we do!


Instead of these kinds of New Years resolutions

To help me learn from the past year & guide me into the year ahead

I do a Yearly Acting Review which is based off my body

Why my body?

Because Mother Nature is in charge

There is not a manmade thing on this earth she can’t destroy whenever she wants

We all come from her

And we will all return to her

So better to be with her than against her

Millions of years of biology have gotten us to this point

So I’m pretty sure she knows what she’s doing

And damn sure the most exhausting moments in my life have been when I have tried my hardest to ignore the signals my body is sending me

Maybe better to let her lead


Here we go

Yearly Acting Review


Some private time & space

Paper & Pen

Maybe some music or a favourite beverage?

And If you keep a calendar or schedule this will be immensely helpful

Step One

Write down all the things your body found to be energising over the past year

The friends, colleagues, coaches, teachers, books, activities, environments, events, etc

That made your body feel light, excited, awake, exhilarated, free, love, growth, play, joy, bliss, alive, etc

Step Two

Out of all those energising things

Circle the (roughly) 20% that were the most energising

So if you wrote down twenty energising things

Circle roughly four that were the most energising


Step Three

Now write down all the things your body found to be de-energising over the past year

The people, colleagues, coaches, teachers, books, activities, environments, events, etc

That made your body feel heavy, tight, lethargic, stuck, anxious, locked, exhausted, etc

Step Four

Out of all those de-energising things

Circle the (roughly) 20% that were the most de-energising

So if you wrote down twenty five de-energising things

Circle roughly five that were the most de-energising



There might be some very interesting insights coming your way already

But let’s use this info to create change

Step Five

Time to replace the most de-energising things with the most energising

The key is to start now

Book it in

Send the text

Organise the time

Click send

Invite that person

Reach out to that friend

Ask that mentor

Schedule that event

Pay for it

Put that activity in the calendar

Just take action in some way shape or form

One little step at a time

Nothing will come from nothing

And every action has a reaction

Make it easy for yourself to show up to that which makes your work and life worth it

The goal here is to essentially let your body lead in a very practical way

To allow your bodies energy to flow in the direction it wants

If it wants more of those people, environments, activities etc

Give it to it

An incredible coach of mine once said to me

“Mike, the easiest energy is yours”

And I wholeheartedly agree

Acting has never flowed for me more than when I move in the direction my body wants me to go

Rather than trying exhaustively to push against it

I really hope this helps



Dangerously Sustainable


No Actor Does It Alone