Not Proud


“Hey Michael. A bit controversial… How do you, as an actor go about promoting your work when you don’t like how the film or performance turned out? It’s a balance with being authentic, whilst also not being an absolute jerk. Sometimes my performance has changed because scenes have been re-ordered or edited (And of course, that happens). I dunno. I just can’t justify sending people to watch movies when I know they’re bad. Actor X”


Hey Actor X

Thank you for sending this through

I might be the worst actor to ask this question

I have to confess

Pre 2016

I cannot recall inviting anyone to a single show

Or letting anyone know when I was appearing in some random episode of television

I just hardly ever felt proud of the work

I thought it was never good enough

So I made my best attempt to hide the stuff I didn’t like

Pretend it never happened

I wanted to bury my head

I wanted people to only see my best work

I wanted to control what they saw

I wanted to manage my reputation for them

Totally normal thing to do


Because I was afraid

I was scared of what they might think if they saw all my bits

My ugly bits

My mistakes, failings and messy work

I wanted them to only see my shiny best parts

So they could go




And how bloody normal

We are biologically wired to care what others think

Being ostracised by the group meant a higher likelihood of death for millions of years

And its still there deeply ingrained in us

Caring what others think is a bloody beautiful, and totally normal thing

And I certainly don’t want to waste any more time or energy on this earth

Trying to pretend I don’t care what loved ones, friends or even strangers think about me

To judge that as wrong or a bad thing


Permission to care what others think!

As for your question

Three points to make here


You cannot control your reputation

That is for others to decide

It is completely out of your control

What can you control?

Your skill development

Your behaviour

Your process


It’s the teams work you are celebrating, not yours.

This has been a painful one for me

For so long I was an expert at making the work about me

I forgot about the entire group of inidivudals who actually make the damn thing

Who all put in hundreds, if not thousands of hours of their time

Who invest long nights, physical labour and deep focus into that one tiny shot that makes the cut

My wrinkly forehead might be the thing that is presented to the audience in that moment

But that wrinkly forehead is standing of the shoulders of giants.

The last job I had

We were filming the last shot of a very big day

It was about 2 am

And in the scene

I head butted a door and put a big hole in it

The next day

I walked passed in the early hours of the morning

And there were two crew members replacing that door

Which took several hours

My little action on set

Meant many hours of work for two other humans

They gave up their time they could be using to work on other things

To patch up my work

To cover my arse


The team

We are standing on each others shoulders

And if I do media for that gig over the next 12-24 months

It’s their work I want to celebrate

The teams effort


Kings who don’t accept the fool are doomed.

Resisting mistakes is a mistake

When my young daughter is playing with that weird musical instrument her granny gave her for Christmas

It is exactly that


Which means there are no mistakes

And because she has zero fear of failure

Once and a while

A completely magical moment will occur

My point?

Find freedom in failure

Your most generous work is on the other side of it

And the only way

Is through


Embrace the shit

The mess, the ugly, the complex, the grey

Embrace the human bits

Your human bits

Want to give your most generous work?

Commence the slow, kind and gentle process of giving your worst work to the world

Hope this helps



Extreme Emotions

