How to Reinvent your Career

We see it over and over again

In only a few short years

Someone going from a dead end in their career

To suddenly delivering exactly the kind work they dreamed of

In other words


And acting is no exception

For the vast majority of actors

There is a common feeling of

“This just isn’t going anywhere”

And that’s okay

In fact

If you’re noticing that thought

Celebrate it

Because it means you’re aware of it

And awareness equals choice

And choice means change

I repeat

You have a choice to change

Trust me

I’m a complete idiot

How much of an idiot you ask?

Earlier this year I ruined a take by trying to pick up a prop whilst facing away from camera and I split my pants

($30 million dollars and what do you get? Michael Sheasby’s undies)

Ahhhh what’s sad is I have so many more stories like that


I’m an idiot

But even I went from feeling utterly stuck & resenting acting with all my being in 2015

To being nominated alongside my heroes for work I was genuinely proud of fourteen months later

So if I can do it

You absolutely can make progress toward whatever meaningful goals you have over the next year


The following is a slow, kind & simple (I said simple, not easy) process

For reinventing your career in 2024

This process will require the most basic & important ingredients of honesty, clarity, and action

Here we go



Identify the work that inspires you most

The work that makes your body feel energised, alive, playful, exhilarated, meaningful, light, love… home

The work where you know, deep down, you belong

The work that makes you think “If I could just give that to this world, it would all be worth it”

The work that brings an easy breath to your body

Let’s avoid the de-energising shoulds here

The artists, films, plays, styles, that you should like in order to please others

Listen to what your body is yearning for

Let it lead

The body is the best guidance system we have

Better to trust millions of years of evolution

Over exhausting, erratic & fashionable noise

It’s simple really

Gun to your head, what kind of work makes you feel “fuck yes”?


Skills & Behaviour

Once you are clear and honest about the kind of work that inspires you most

Identify the skills & behaviour required to give that kind of work to this world

The skills will be influenced by the style of work you love

If you love American 3-camera sitcoms

This will require very different skills to that of arthouse films

The skills of pantomime on stage will be very different to that of modern day musicals



Look at the kind of person you have to be to gain and deliver these skills

The kind of person who is honest when it’s hard to be?

The kind of person who focuses on what they can control?

The kind of person who surrounds themselves with energising people?

The kind of person who asks for help?

The kind of person who spends more money on practice each month then on drugs?

The kind of person you trusts their instincts?

Etc, etc



Use Pareto’s principle (AKA 80/20 Rule) to prioritise the skills & behaviour most important for your reinvention.

Roughly speaking

In an ocean of technique

There will be a few

Which will work well for the majority people the majority of time

These are to be prioritised

So if you wrote down ten skills which are required for you to deliver the kind of work you love

Clarify the two most important ones

Then focus your time & energy on only those two skills

Forget about the other eight for now


Amateurs try do lots

Pros do less

That’s why they do it better



Distill those specific skills & behaviour down to their simplest & most repeatable iterations.

Boil the skill or behaviour down until you find the smallest gem you can

Then take that gem

And make it non-negotiable

That’s the tiny little thing you do

Every day or week

Rain, hail or shine

Small gems don’t add up

They compound

(Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world for a reason)

And finally



The ability to slow down when your fear urges you to speed up

In an industry where it can feel like you are falling behind if you haven’t had an audition in a week

It takes a hell of lot to build the muscle of patience

To say no when you really feel like you should say yes out of fear

I am sitting in my garage right now


I received some news a few hours ago

And my fear is yelling at me to push, force and try claw at things which are outside of my control

So I have decided instead to interrupt the system

Go back to my breathing

Try my best to let my body know its safe

& that it’s more then okay to stay in my timezone

Rather then rushing into everyone else’s


The hardest thing to do

Can simply be nothing

Hope this helps



No Actor Does It Alone


Desperate Times